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Exit Trades That Aren’t Moving

Blog - Exit Trades That Aren't Moving

It's very important to recognize when a trade isn't going anywhere and it's crucial to exit such positions on time.

In trading, time is a precious commodity. Every moment spent in a stagnant trade is a missed opportunity to deploy capital more effectively elsewhere. So, when I find myself in a trade that’s going nowhere within a given timeframe, I see it as a sign to cut my losses and move on.

But how do I determine when it’s time to exit a stagnant trade? It’s all about setting clear criteria and sticking to them religiously. Whether it’s a predefined timeframe, a lack of price movement, or a failure to meet certain technical indicators, my goal is the same – to avoid getting stuck in dead-end trades that drain both my capital and my patience.

Sure, it can be tempting to hold out hope for a turnaround or to convince myself that the trade will eventually go my way. But I’ve learned the hard way that hope is not a strategy. By remaining disciplined and objective, I protect myself from the sunk cost fallacy and give myself the freedom to explore new opportunities.

So, fellow trader, remember this: if your trade is not going anywhere in a given timeframe, it’s time to exit. Don’t let sentiment cloud your judgment or fear of missing out keep you tethered to a losing position. Instead, cut your losses swiftly and redeploy your capital where it has the potential to yield better returns. In the game of trading we won’t right all the time – sometimes we need to admit defeat and move on to greener pastures.

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