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Intro to Investment Current
IC Naked Trading
IC Trading Method
IC Trading Mastery
Self Assessment Quiz
Options Trading Glossary
Reading List
Intro to Investment Current
IC Naked Trading
IC Trading Method
IC Trading Mastery
Self Assessment Quiz
Options Trading Glossary
Reading List
IntraDay Options Trading Education
Options Trading Self-Assessment
Already trading options? Use this form to assess your basic market knowledge (and skip the Investment Current Intro Course.)
Self Assessment Quiz
Have you ever traded Options before?
No, I have no experience with options trading
Yes, I have some experience.
Yes, I have significant experience in options trading.
Have you taken any formal courses or read books on options trading?
I have not had a formal education in options trading.
I've done self-study but no formal courses.
Yes, I've completed formal courses and extensively studied options trading.
What are stock options?
Shares of stocks that I own.
A contract that entitles the holder to control (buy or sell) 100 underlying shares.
An alternative equity award.
What are the potential risks and rewards associated with options trading?
It is easy to get rich trading options.
Risk can be managed using specific tools and techniques.
Options transactions require less capital than traditional trading.
What is the difference between investing and trading?
Trading implies short-term buying and selling while investing has a more extended holding period that can last years.
Trading is primarily a long-term strategy.
Investing is typically a short-term strategy.
What is the difference between a Call option and a Put option?
A Call option is bullish.
A Put option is bearish.
Neither of the above
Both of the above
What is a strike price?
The predetermined price at which a specific security may be purchased or sold by the option holder.
The probability out of the money.
The volatility price.
What is implied volatility in options trading?
Predicts the direction in which the price change will proceed.
Involves using a mathematical formula to forecast the likely movement of a stock.
Predicts whether the price will go up, down, or see-saw between the two variables or go beyond.
What is a risk management strategy?
check all that apply
Risk/reward ratio
Position sizing
The percentage at risk on any position
Profit goals
None of the above
What is the option assignment process?
When the seller assigns the shares of the option contract.
When the buyer must sell his options contract.
When the owner of an option exercises their right to buy or sell shares of stock or when options expire in the money.
What are American Options?
Options that can be exercised anytime up to & including expiration day.
Options available in the US.
Options that can only be exercised at the expiration date.
What is Delta used for?
check all that apply
Hedging Risk
Determining Probability
Managing position exposure
Position sizing
None of the above
What does BTO mean as related to options?
Buy to Open
Buy to Close
Sell to Open
Sell to Close
None of the above
What is different between the SPX and the SPY?
check all that apply
Underlying asset
SPX is a European-style options
SPY is American-style options
None of the above
Can you have a position with both a short put and a long put for the same strike and the same expiration?
Stock ABC is trading for $76. Which option is ITM?
Put 71
Call 77
Call 76
Implied Volatility (IV) could be considered as:
Actual volatility
Past volatility
An estimation of future volatility
What is an Option Chain?
An indicator
A table with all the relevant option information
An option strategy
Which options could profit from a rise in the underlying price:
Long call
Short call
Short put
Long put
What is an Undefined Risk Strategy?
A Strategy with limited risk
A Strategy with no risk
The risk that is accompanied with naked options and when your possible max loss is unknown on order entry.
Does an option buyer have to exercise his option?
When you buy an option, you are:
Long the option
Short the option
What does ATM mean concerning options?
At the money
In the money
All the money
Out of the money
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